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雅思写作的SEE原则:国外的思维方式 在雅思写作中,建议考生应转换思维方式,按照国外考生的思维方式来写文章,下文中我简称为"SEE"原则。 S=Support E=Expression E=Example 也就是说,大家应该把观点开门见山提出来,然后进行一番解释,合适时加上一个例子。 例如:论述犯罪的一个原因时,咱们可以进行如下思路 Sup1: The first and foremost reason lies in economic factors. Exp1: Due to poverty and unemployment, some people have to commit crimes in order to survive, which are the so-called blue collar crimes…

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2012年9月雅思口语预测 9月的雅思口语题目预测出来了。请9-12月份考试的同学都可以参考一下,然后在考前可以看看是否有什么新题增加进来。目前就按这个预测来准就行了。每位老师的口语预测都有可能有些变化,大家把共同的话题要一定准备。 建议各位同学考试的时候注意一下卡片中的时态就可以了。。。 9月份之后变化了的题目。。 Some useful skill you learn from your family A product you bought which was not satisfactory Best part of a day Traditional event in your country A piece of clothing or jewelry on a special occasion…

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2012年8月25日游洋雅思网雅思全面预测 听力 V30032S1 V30034S3 V30034S4 V30036S3 V30072S3 V30072S4 V30074S1 V30074S3 V30074S4 V30076S1 V30076S4 V30078S1 V30078S2 V30078S4 V30079S1 V30079S3 V30079S4 V30080S2 V30080S3 V30081S1 V30081S2 V30081S3 V30083S1 V30083S3 V30083S4 V07138S3 V07142S2 V07107S2 V07111S1 V07111S4 V07114S3 V07114S4 V07116S2 V08134S3 V08134S4 V08136S3 V08136S4 V08138S2…

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2012年8月4日/9日游洋雅思网雅思全面预测 听力 V30037S3 V30037S4 V30038S2 V30038S3 V30040S1 V30040S4 V30041S2 V30041S4 V30043S3 V30043S4 V30045S1 V30045S3 V30049S2 V30049S3 V30052S2 V30052S3 V30052S4 V30059S3 V30059S4 V30060S1 V30060S3 V30060S4 V30061S2 V30061S4 V30062S2 V30062S3 V30064S1 V30064S2 V30084S2 V30084S3 V30084S4 V30085S2 V30085S3 V30085S4 V30086S2 V30086S3 V30090S2 V30090S3…

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2012年8月雅思写作预测 A类小作文:柱图,饼图(混合图表) G类小作文:道歉信,咨询信,求职信 大作文: 1. Some people believe that these environmental problems are too big for individuals to deal with, while others think that individuals should take some action. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. 2. The authorities…

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