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aeas 阅读常出现的近义词解析


第一组:Situation, environment, atmosphere, circumstance, condition, state

a.situation n.情况,情势;处境;位置 (当意思是“位置”时,近义词是location)

e.g. The current situation for students is that they have to memorise all the needed vocabularies. (情况,处境)

b. environment n.环境;处境

e.g. The company failed to provide a safe working environment for its workers.

c. atmosphere n.气氛;大气

e.g. The atmosphere here at home was rather tense. (气氛)

d. circumstance n.环境,情况,遭遇

关于这个词有一个词组是,Under no circumstance意思是任何情况下都不能。举例:Under no circumstance will students take off their uniforms at school.在任何情况下学生在校都不能脱下校服。这个词组考生要认识,要知道正确的翻译,用法上不做要求。

e. condition n.条件,情况,环境

e.g. The car has been well maintained(维持) and is in excellent condition.

f. state n.州,国家,情形 v.声明,陈述

e.g. Frankly, I wouldn’t trust his emotional state right now. (情绪状态)

When we bought the house, it was in a terrible state.

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