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For centuries, the Chinese New Year print, or nianhua, was the most popular form of artwork to hang in Chinese house-holds. Evoking happiness and prosperity, the symbols used on these posters had to evolve to keep step with shifting cultural norms and epoch topics, even when the year 2018 arrives, the most beloved subject endured: chubby babi

1.Sometimes shown riding a carp or a giant peach, at other times wearing space suits or playing with telephones, the fleshy tots always radiated good health and beamed with innocent, unrestrained, unmitigated joy.


同位语 (同位语的作用在于对句子的补充说明,因此对句子主体不造成影响。)

形容词 (注意:并不是把所有的形容词都去除, )

多余的形容词 – 两个或者多个

动词作形容词 – 动词 + ing, to + 动词原形.

句子的context, 比如时间,地点 (根据文章信息多寡决定删不删)



For centuries, the Chinese New Year print, or nianhua, was the most popular form of artwork to hang in Chinese house-holds. / Evoking happiness and prosperity, the symbols used on these posters had to evolve to keep step with shifting cultural norms and epoch topics, / even when the year 2018 arrives, the most beloved subject endured: chubby babies. / Sometimes shown riding a carp or a giant peach, at other times wearing space suits or playing with telephones, the fleshy tots always radiated good health and beamed with innocent, unrestrained, unmitigated joy.

许多世纪以来,中国的年画都是最受欢迎的艺术样式。其中许多元素都经受了文化偏好和时代变迁的洗礼。而时至2018,最受喜爱的题材依旧是:胖娃娃。 这肉乎乎小娃娃的形象总是散发着身体健康和快乐等寓意。


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