艾易艾斯aeas-写作-范文欣赏 (13)议论文(10-12年级)

本期写作范文欣赏要跟各位家长和学生分享aeas议论文体写作。 对于aeas高年级的议论文写作, 更着重于结合社会热点,能体现学生对于社会问题的思考以及看法。在出题方面,aeas的出题方式往往是设置一种 “绝对”的“备受争议”的观点来激发学生思考,进而各抒己见。所以在谋篇布局上,学生需要正确解题是关键步骤,然后确立自己的论点,进一步找出有力的论据支持,最后再次强调自己的论点。



Writing topic: Some people believe that developing a sense of teamwork is more important than just pursuing personal success for young people. Do you agree or disagree with this view?  Support your opinion with reasons and examples.



It is said that developing a sense of teamwork is more important than just pursuing personal success for young people. I tend to agree with this view and I will support my view in the following paragraphs with details and examples.


Developing a sense of teamwork enables young people to fit better in workplaces. Specifically speaking, a sense of teamwork allows young people to build strong relationship between colleagues. Many works require people’s cooperation to finish, so if people have strong relationship between each other, they can cooperate very smoothly in completion of works. Besides, people with good relationship with their colleagues can establish strong rapport, which in turn enhances their personal growth in their careers. People with a spirit of teamwork tend to solve problems as a team rather than shouldering up all stress as a solo hero. This also benefits their mental health at workplace.  However, in order to achieve individual success, one needs to bear more pressure alone. A person who only focuses on pursuing personal success may not be really welcomed in any place. So developing a sense of teamwork helps people better fit in workplaces.


Besides, developing a sense of teamwork is more beneficial for young people to make more friends. Being team members offers an effective foundation for people to nurture friendship, particularly, when these people do not know each other. This is because people work in a team tend to have common topics to share and more opportunities to know more about each other, thereby fostering long-lasting friendship. Contrarily, being solo players in any social setting lacks such interaction with others, which consequently deprives them of the opportunity to make friends with others.


In conclusion, I agree that developing a sense of teamwork is more important than just pursuing individual success on the basis that it helps young people fit better in workplaces and enable young people to make more friends.






  • 这一题里备受争议的议论点在于“… is more important than just…”。在解题时,考生可以针对这个议论点中的破绽,展开好几个方向的观点,因此在立论上,考生可以选择同意(agree)或者不同意(disagree),在立论方向上,并没有坊间流传的扣分或者加分的说法,只要利用议论文的文体格式,配合有理有据的说理,那么写出一篇结构清晰、逻辑分明、备具说服力的文章,都可以得高分。
  • 这篇文章做到了议论文体的严格缜密的格式要求:第一段:介绍话题背景,转述话题以及提出自己观点。第二、三段:议论段的观点陈述和论证,做到有效地支持自己的观点 。第四段:总结论述,再次强调自己的观点,从第一段到最后一段,构成一个逻辑说理圈,严密而有说服力。
  • 文章的论点明确,请参见划线句子 。两个句子言简意赅地提出了作者的2个论点,而且铺排条理清晰,非常符合议论文的结构要求。
  • 文章体现了较高的文字驾驭能力:例如文章中黑体加粗的词汇和表达,做到了用词准确、表达有力。
  • 对于10-12年级的考生,如果能做到以上几点,考分预估在16分以上。