艾易艾斯aeas 写作范文欣赏—记叙文(4-6年级)

本期写作范文欣赏跟各位家长和学生分享AEAS4-6年级组的记叙文写作。在这个年级组的考试中,记叙文写作是常考的,考题往往是跟学生的日常校园生活和家庭生活有关的,因此对于大部分学生而言, 解题方面没有太大难度,而且很多学生能顺利写完100字的文章,但是得高分却不容易。要在记叙文写作中获得高分,那么学生需要展现出相应的词汇和句法知识,能准确恰当地做细节描写,能用文字来展现所见所闻, 向读者(考官)呈现一个动人的故事。



Writing topic: Imagine your school publishes articles from students every month on your school magazine. The magazine editor invites you to write an article about your last coastal trip for the magazine. (At least 100 words)



An amazing trip to the Apollo Bay

Last summer holiday, my parents took us to the Apollo Bay. We all had wonderful time there, and I strongly recommend it to those who are longing for a relaxing holiday.

At the Apollo Bay, the white, fine sandy beach is embraced by clear greenish blue water, which looks like a piece of glimmering jewel on the coast.  Equipped with surfing boards, my family plunged into the cool, clear water shortly after we arrived. Strong waves were rolling towards the beach. I loved looking for small crabs and shellfish as the waves rolled back. Splash! Splash! Many people just enjoyed the simple fun of jumping into the water. Being brave and playful, my dad and my brother surfed over the rolling waves, gliding on the wave crests like graceful seagulls. The boundless view beyond the coastal line also brought incredible relaxation to holidaymakers on the beach.

After a week of relaxing holiday at the Apollo Bay, we had to say goodbye to it, though, very reluctantly. If you and your families are planning for a relaxing summer holiday, I strongly recommend the Apollo Bay.


(183 words)








  • 这篇文章运用了很丰富的形容词和动词,而且选词准确恰当,展示了学生在词汇运用方面的扎实能力。
  • 文章运用了多种开头句式的的句型,使文章读起来不再枯燥乏味。
  • 一些基本的修辞手法如比喻和拟声词的使用体现了学生的英文和文学积累功底。
  • 文章体现了较高的文字驾驭能力:例如文章中红色加粗的形容词和下划线的动词和句型表达是备考学生可以借鉴学习的。
  • 对于4-6年级的考生,如果能做到以上几点,考分预估在16分以上。