

1.得病看医生: need another doctor, it is open till 10 at the health center,take the pill the doctor assigned,

2.没空帮忙: can’t give you a ride due to the meeting tomorrow morning,

3.锻炼减肥: lost weight, two blue clothes but one with the large size

4.电影或音乐会: see the concert twice make sense again, sell ticket to you so that you come with me, lectured by some professor is worth watching,

5.还书: return so as not to pay fine, help me return the books,

6.重新考虑以前的决定: reconsider your decision,

7.转让: movie ticket

8.加入社团: garden club, find another committee member to replace,

9.认不出来: beard, bother is different,

10.住房: find an apartment under 500 dollars, find a larger apartment, live nearer to the campus

11.放松: join a entertainment club for leisure, spend more time outdoors,

12.约会: (appointment), reschedule one of the appointment

13.关门了(过期了): museum closed, cafeteria closed,

14.照相: film run out, film not processed, film not good

15.同去: come /go with me

16.太吵: too noisy, can’t concentrate