艾易艾斯(aeas)分清楚 lay 和 lie, 考试不再丢分

在英语的学习过程中,有一些词语很相似,很容易让人混淆。今天的帖子想让大家分清楚 to lay 和 to lie. 这组词语哪里让人搞不清楚了呢?


lay – laid – laid

lie – lay – lain

可以看到两者的过去分词和过去式很接近,而且两个单词的意思确有相似之处,这就让学生在写作时候容易产生混淆。 查字典可知,lay 是及物动词,而lie是不及物动词,但是除此以外,还有什么区别呢?

lay. 放置 (to place), lay — laid — has laid


Please lay the books on the table in my office. (present)


We laid the key on the counter. (simple past)

我们把钥匙留在前台了。 (一般过去时)

You have laid the wrong pattern on the worktable. (past perfect)

你放了错的图案到工作台上。 (完成时)

lie. 倚靠,躺下 (to recline), lie — lay — has lain


Why don’t you go upstairs and lie down for a bit? (present)

你要不要上楼躺一会呢? (现在时)

He lay in bed all day. (simple past)


He has lain there long enough. (past perfect)



1. 孩子们一躺进柔软的被窝里,立马就睡着了。(此处要用 to lie)

INCORRECT: As soon as the children laid down on the soft quilt, they fell asleep.

CORRECT : As soon as the children lay down on the soft quilt, they fell asleep.

2. 那是我见过的最炫酷的金鱼缸。(此处要用 to lay)

INCORRECT: That is the coolest fish tank I have ever layed eyes on.

CORRECT : That is the coolest fish tank I have ever laid eyes on.


INCORRECT: She lay the baby on her stomach next to him, thankful she didn’t wake.

CORRECT : She laid the baby on her stomach next to him, thankful she didn’t wake.

另外,to lay 的过去式 laid 还有下蛋的意思:

4. 大约在一个月前,她连续下了一个礼拜的蛋,然后停止了。

INCORRECT: About a month ago she layed eggs for a week, then stopped.

CORRECT : About a month ago she laid eggs for a week, then stopped.