
艾易艾斯(aeas)的阅读出题灵活,主要考察的是学生是否有这个能力去发现并理解直接信息和内涵信息的区别。直接信息(Texually Explicit Information)即文中直接出现的信息。内涵信息(Texually Implicit Information)则相反,是文中没有直接说明,需要多一层思考,或者调动学生本身有的知识才能理解的信息。基于此,我们也可以把所有的阅读题目分为四大类别。

“Right There”

Questions found right in the text that ask students to find the one right answer located in one place as a word or a sentence in the passage.



“Think and Search”

Questions based on the recall of facts that can be found directly in the text. Answers are typically found in more than one place, thus requiring students to “think” and “search” through the passage to find the answer.



“Author and You”

Questions require students to use what they already know, with what they have learned from reading the text. Student’s must understand the text and relate it to their prior knowledge before answering the question.



“On Your Own”

Questions are answered based on a students prior knowledge and experiences. Reading the text may not be helpful to them when answering this type of question.

