Once you have finished writing your narrative, it is always a good idea to save a minute to read over your work and see if there are any mistakes you can fix or improvements you can make. Here are some things to look out for.
确保你不要在过去时(例如 “I ran”)和现在时(例如 “I run”)之间切换。这是许多学生常犯的错误。你需要确保全文的时态保持一致。
Make sure you don’t switch between past tense, for example “I ran”, and present tense, for example “I run”. This is an incredibly common mistake that a lot of students make. You need to ensure that your use of tense is consistent throughout.
Also make sure that your choice of narration, whether it is first or third person, remains consistent. First person narration is told from your perspective, using “I” to talk about what is happening to you. In third person perspective, you don’t use “I”, but you talk about characters who are not yourself. Either one is acceptable, as long as you are consistent.
Try to ensure you have spelled all of your words correctly. If you don’t know how to spell a word, try to use another word that is easier to spell. Make sure you are using the right form of your/you’re and there/their/they’re.
Does your narrative have a clear problem that your main character must face? Do you have a maximum of 3 main characters, each of which is distinct from one another? Is your narrative limited to just 1 – 2 settings?
Clear Focus
Does your narrative create a strong image in your reader’s mind? Do you “show” the events rather than “telling” them?
a) 写一个关于做出困难决定的故事。
b) 写一个关于你人物一生中最大错误的故事。
a.Write a narrative about a difficult decision.
b.Write a narrative about the biggest mistake of your character’s life.
a) 根据这句名言创作一个故事:“恐惧不会让你停下;它会让你清醒。”
b) 根据这句名言创作一个故事:“信任就像纸,皱了就再也无法恢复完美。”
a.Write a narrative inspired by the quote: “Fear doesn’t shut you down; it wakes you up.”
b.Write a narrative inspired by the quote: “Trust is like paper; once crumpled, it can never be perfect.”
a) 在你的故事中使用以下词语:黑暗、熊、闪电、遗忘。
b) 在你的故事中使用以下词语:双胞胎、误解、沙子、清单。
a.Write a narrative that uses the following words: dark, bear, lightning, forgotten.
b.Write a narrative that uses the following words: twin, misunderstanding, sand, list.
Write a narrative based on each of the following images.
1. 写一个回应以下提示的叙事:
Write a narrative that responds to the following prompts: Write a narrative about a difficult decision. Write a narrative inspired by the quote: “Trust is like paper; once crumpled, it can never be perfect.”
2. 写一个至少回应以下两个提示的叙事:
Write a narrative that responds to at least two of the following prompts: Write a narrative about the biggest mistake of your character’s life. Write a narrative inspired by the quote: “Fear doesn’t shut you down; it wakes you up.”

Write a narrative that responds to at least two of the following prompts:
Write a narrative about a meeting between two very different people.
Write a narrative inspired by the quote: “A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.”
Write a narrative that responds to at least two of the following prompts:
Write a narrative that uses the following words: accident, empty, violent, catch.
Write a narrative inspired by the quote: “You are only a prisoner when you surrender.”
直接对话 – “救命啊!” 尖叫声划破了森林的宁静。
悬念 – 那个神秘的包裹已经在我的床底下放了三天了。
问题 – 你有没有想过,如果你能变成隐形人,会发生什么?
场景描述 – 雨点敲打着窗户,闪电照亮了空荡荡的走廊。
回忆 – 我永远不会忘记那个改变我一生的夏天。
外表描述 – 不只是说”他很高”,而是”他的头几乎碰到了门框”
行为习惯 – “她总是紧张地咬着嘴唇”
说话方式 – “他的声音低沉而沙哑,像是很久没说话了”
思考方式 – “她的思绪总是快速跳跃,从一个想法到另一个”
与他人互动 – “每当有人靠近,他就会后退一步”
使用五感 – 描述看到、听到、闻到、触摸和尝到的感觉
具体细节 – 不是”一个房间”,而是”一个墙壁剥落、地板吱吱作响的老旧房间”
天气和时间 – “傍晚的阳光斜射进窗户,给房间染上一层金色”
氛围 – “空气中弥漫着一种紧张和期待的感觉”
人物与人物之间 – 朋友之间的争吵、家庭矛盾
人物与自然之间 – 在风暴中生存、在野外迷路
人物与社会之间 – 挑战规则、反对不公
人物与自我之间 – 战胜恐惧、做出艰难抉择
显示性格 – 通过人物说话方式展示他们的性格
推动情节 – 用对话来透露重要信息
创造紧张感 – 简短、急促的对话可以增加紧张感
使用标点 – 正确使用引号、逗号和句号
对话标签变化 – 不只是”说”,还可以使用”低语”、”喊叫”、”嘟囔”等
制造悬念 – 让读者好奇接下来会发生什么
戏剧性时刻 – 创造意想不到的转折
情感变化 – 角色的感受如何随着情节变化
增加障碍 – 让主角面临更多挑战
植入线索 – 为后续发展做铺垫
圆满结局 – 所有问题都得到解决
开放结局 – 留给读者想象空间
情感共鸣 – 激发读者的情感反应
回应开头 – 呼应故事开始时的场景或想法
意外转折 – 故事在最后一刻出现意外转折
大声朗读 – 这有助于发现不自然的句子和对话
请他人阅读 – 获取读者的反馈和建议
检查拼写和语法 – 确保没有拼写错误和语法问题
精简内容 – 删除不必要的词语和句子
增强感官描述 – 添加更多描述性细节
检查逻辑连贯性 – 确保故事情节有逻辑性
强化主题 – 确保故事传达了你想要的讯息
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