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如果雅思考生平时缺乏纯正的语言环境,或者没有native speaker陪练,就必须要学会独自练习雅思口语。建议考生在独自练习口语时注意一下几点:

a) 写出关键词练习造句,而不是反复背诵:在考试的时候,考官是具备明显分辨背诵和独立描述的考生。若被发现是背诵的考生则不会获得6分及以上的分数。所以在练习时,一定不能采用背诵的方式复习。可以将内容的关键词写在纸上,然后给自己30秒的思考时间,就开始自己造句描述,直到表达完整为止。刚开始练习的时候可以不计时,但是在临考前一定要计时训练。

a) 加入肢体语言或者面部表情帮助描述:加入肢体语言的表达看上去更加自然,而且会显得描述非常贴近生活,更容易让考官信服,从而获得更高的分数。独自训练时可以面对镜子或者找一个没有人的房间进行充分表达,避免考生感觉害羞或者尴尬。

b) 学会聆听自己的答案:在独立练习时,必须要给自己的答案进行录音,然后反复听查答案中的明显错误(包括语法和发音等)站在考官的角度,参考评分标准给自己打分。通过这样的方式可以明确地知道自己存在的问题,从而进行针对性的练习。

I go to the cinema quite often.
I go swimming on a pretty regular basis, especially in the summer.
I eat out with my friends 3 or 4 times a month.
I do some reading on a daily basis.
I only visit museums from time to time, I mean, not that frequently.
I seldom/hardly ever take the bus because I worry that I’ll be stuck in the middle of a traffic jam for a long time.

I often go to the park close to my apartment and walk my Golden Retriever there.
There’s a library within spitting/walking distance of my home and I really like to read there. The nearest swimming pool is only five minutes’ walk from my home.
It takes me about 20 minutes to get to that café by bus
All the big malls are in the centre/heart of the city.
It’s in the south/north/east/west of the town.

I always go traveling with my folks/family members during public holidays.
I enjoy hanging out with Lisa, who is a very good friend of mine/ one of my closest friends.
I often go jogging alone/ on my own.

I absolutely adore reading. It’s my favourite pastime.
I’m quite infatuated with swimming. I’ve loved it ever since I was a kid.
I’m a big fan of Korean drama and learning Korean is a big part of my daily routine.
I feel a little stressed sometimes and when that happens, I just go shopping with my friends.
I always feel under a lot of pressure now, so I force myself to take a break once in a while.

Listening to music is a great way to relax (and kill time)
Dancing is one of the best ways to unwind/loosen up.
I often cycle for an hour or so on the weekend and I find it pretty enjoyable/pleasurable.
My parents and I often go picnicking in the spring. We always have a great time together/have a lot of fun together.
My parents threw me a birthday party last month and I had a blast/ball.
I was ecstatic/super thrilled/super excited when my parents told me that we would go to France this summer.

I was not a fan of maths at all. (I found it super boring/mind-numbing)
Cooking is really time-consuming. I prefer to grab a bite in a restaurant near my home.
Science is not my thing cos I’m not that good at it.
I seldom dance cos I don’t have any talent for it.

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