

1. Like Smith, Jones also owns a family-run business.

像’like’和’in addition to’这类表示补充说明的词组,如果再用上also来链接句子就会显得重复。
更好地表达应为:Like Smith, Jones also owns a family-run business.

2. Many components, such as asset balance, deposit balance, and interest income, etc., should be sensitive to the change in the macroeconomic environment.

如例句,选用了如’such as’ 或者’for example’ ,’e.g’ 等,就应避免再同时使用 ’etc’ 或 ‘and so on’ 。因此,此句更为妥当的表达为:
Many components, such as asset balance, deposit balance, and interest income, etc., should be sensitive to the change in the macroeconomic environment.

不过,另外一个常见的缩写 i.e. (that is) 则不受这个规则的限制,可以与etc 连用。

3. But the policy is not solely about consumers; it is about what the law calls a data subject. A data subject is defined as a living individual to whom personal data relates.

避免句子末尾与新一句的开头用同样的词。这种情况一般出现于定义句,即后面的句子为前句出现的内容下定义。如例句,后一句就是补充说明 a data subject 的定义。此句更好的表达为:

But the policy is not solely about consumers; it is about what the law calls a data subject, which is defined as a living individual to whom personal data relates.
