艾易艾斯(aeas)写作范文欣赏 (五) (10-12年级)



Writing Topic: Sometimes it is necessary for us to tell small lies. Describe your past experience of experiencing a small lie told for a good purpose.

People experience different kinds of white lies in their life. To me, a white lie is like the ordinary meal my mother always cooks.

My grandma raised me when I was little. She used to cook for me all the time. Until one day, this delicious cooking was replaced by some dull and flat dishes made by my mother. I turned to my parents and soon found out that it wasn’t only the familiar taste of the meals but also grandma herself had disappeared. Where had she gone and why would she leave us? I wondered. My mom would always reply as if this was the simplest question to answer — she had been on a long trip. My grandma must have been a maniac of travelling, I thought, as she had been gone for so long. From time to time, I got bored with my mom’s cooking and wished my grandma could return to us. This is when I would send her letters for some postcards and to ask whether she had enough money to spend. My mom would then send these letters out for me and bring back the replies after a few days, as if it was the most normal thing to do.

Now, I have grown enough to know where my grandma has been and where the letters have come from. It was just like the dull and

flat dinner we had the day when my grandma left. My mother has wrapped me up with a protection layer, namely normal life, so that I could stay intact and still be able to enjoy my happy childhood.

I am grateful to my grandma, for she raised me into a healthy little girl, and also to my mother, who had tried so hard to keep this girl unharmed.

教师点评:考场分数14-15 分

* 文章风格简洁明了,内容符合题目要求。

* 词汇尽管简单但使用比较恰当。句式有变化,句意连贯,逻辑清晰分明。

* 妈妈的“谎言”在作者的成长过程中渐渐变得不攻自破,但“谎言”背后是妈妈对作者悉尼无声的关爱。字里行间弥漫的温馨和爱对读者而言是一个非常愉快的阅读体验。