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艾易艾斯(aeas)写作范文欣赏 (第一辑)


艾易艾斯(aeas) 7-9 年级写作真题——-描述类文章


1. Your class is preparing a magazine issue on the topic of “games” for other students in the school to read. Write an article about a game that you like playing.

Include the following:

* Explain how to play the game.

* Describe where it is played and who can play it.


Word Search Game

Word search game is a very interesting game for everyone. Usually different games have different themes and are printed on paper. On the game paper, there is a list of words relating to the theme, and many letters arranged in a table.

In a glimpse, you may find these letters are not arranged in order. Anyone who knows some English words can play the game, and it can be play anywhere. In order to win the game, you need to find out all the words for the letters in the table.

You may feel confused at the beginning, and even do not know where to start. However, once you find out one word, you may get some clue. The eagerness to find out more words would tightly grasp your attention. You want to challenge yourself and this pushes you to continue the game. After you find out all the words in the list, you would be overwhelmed by a deep sense of success.

Word search game is interesting yet not necessarily easy. When playing it, students can feel being challenged but can have much fun. It is not only inspiring but also help students to broaden their vocabulary. I hope more students would enjoy it. (208 words)

教师点评:考场分数17-19 分

* 文章简洁明了,提供了题目要求的所有信息。词汇丰富,用词恰当准确,不拖沓。句式丰富,句意连贯,逻辑清晰分明。整篇文章对读者而言是一个愉悦的阅读体验。

附上一个经典 word search game 给大家参考

艾易艾斯(aeas) 4-6/ 7-9 写作真题——-生活记叙文

TOPICS题目: Describe your most unforgettable experience you recently had.

My most unforgettable experience occurred on a family vacation in Indonesia, the Maldives last year. It started off in a bright and sunny morning. I was getting my gears for the exciting scuba diving that I could not wait any longer. Finally, it was my turn to jump into the dark cold seawater.

My heart pounded hard as the freezing water touched my skin with my mouth gulping down a mouthful of seawater which choked my throat as the burning feeling started inside my throat. After a few minutes, adjusting myself to the water, we put the rocks around our waists and dropped down to the seabed. The sand numbed my shortened fingers as I discovered the boundless coral filled with fishes. I even collected various rare historic rocks to add to my collections.

The reason why it is memorable is because of all kinds of things I saw and experienced. For instance, I have found two transparent rocks and have obtained the scuba diving skills.

教师点评:考场分数17-19 分

* 这篇文章最为出彩的是生动、形象的动词的运用,大家可以参见文章黑体单词。这篇文章做到了运用老师教授并强调的记叙文中用自己的感官来描写的手法,例如感觉,听见及视觉等,从而带给读者最生动和真实的体验。

* 如果作者能加上一个言简意赅的标题,那就是锦上添花了。

艾易艾斯(aeas) 10-12年级写作真题——创意类文章

TOPICS题目: Imagine you are an insect living with your family. Describe an experience that you had last week.

A humble life saved

“Buzz, buzz…” I still remember several days ago when I flew around to find a cozy place for myself. Autumn was there, grass turned yellow, and it’s freezing cold. As a fly, I got no place to go. I could not remember the time when I squeezed in a wooden door. It was quite warm there and I saw some giant figures called human beings there. They rushed around rapidly but none of them saw me. So I decided to settle down there.

My life with these giants was smooth and enjoyable till last Sunday. It was the day when the woman in the house found me. That was a sunny Sunday, I could not help myself to the warm sunshine, so I acted boldly by dancing in front of a huge clear window that was embraced by the lovely sunshine. I was dancing happily till I was distracted by a scream. “A disgusting fly”, the woman yelled. “Kill it”, the woman screamed when she pointed her finger towards me.

Then the giant man ran to her, holding a huge broom in his hand. “Leave it to me! I will get rid of it,” the man told the woman firmly. I knew my life in on the edge now if I did not fly away as quickly as I could. “buzz, buzz, buzz…” my tiny wings were doing their best and dragged my heavy body to the wooden door. I did not know whether it was open or not. I tried my best to squeeze through the door, and next I felt the cold air wrapped me up.

I was out! My life was saved. I flew around and saw a puzzled expression on the man’s face. I knew he was still looking for me. I again on my way to find a cozy place for the approaching winter. I hope I would be lucky this time. (321 words)

教师点评:考场分数17-19 分

* 创意类文章是最令我们学生最为为难的写作题材,这篇文章作者用通过运用描绘昆虫的动词来把文章的创意性展现出来。文章中动词、形容的运用都恰到好处地展现了一只与人类共处的苍蝇死里逃生的经历。文章利用开头简述了这只苍蝇为何会跟人一起生活,给后文后文死里逃生的经历做好铺垫,给文章创造了有 趣的跌宕起伏故事情节。这一点是同学们需要细心学习揣摩的地方。

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