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迈高乳业(Murray Goulburn)危机激发消费者同情澳洲奶农,大量购买牛奶。 不过,“替代奶类”销售量也在增长。最新调查显示消费者越来越倾向于这类产品。

据澳洲广播公司报道,目前澳洲超市有多种植物奶类出售,包括豆奶、杏仁奶、椰子奶、榛 子奶、米浆、燕麦奶和澳洲坚果奶。

美国商业调查机构宜必思(IBISWorld)分析师马格纳(Lauren Magner)表示:“随着乳糖不 耐受患者增加,现在人们越来越流行不喝牛奶。”

马格纳正在调查替代奶类市场的崛起,尤其是豆奶和杏仁奶。预计这一行业市值会达到1.5亿澳元。 “替代奶类越来越受欢迎,最近5年销售量增长得很快。我们估计过去5年里面年均增长率达到 6%。”

澳洲牛奶销量比其他西方国家更高。澳洲乳业协会(Dairy Australia)数据显示,澳洲消费者 每人每年平均购买105升鲜奶。

澳洲乳业协会营养师及分析师罗宾逊(Blake Robinson)否认植物奶类越来越受欢迎。 “过去几年内,非牛奶类市场仅有少量增长。” “超市货架上的植物奶类可能种类繁多,让你觉得它们在增长,但数据显示很少澳洲人会用植 物奶类替代牛奶。”

“《澳洲健康调查》(Australian Health Survey)数据显示,将近七成澳洲人饮用牛奶,而饮 用替代产品的仅有三成。” 两大超市巨头Woolworths和Coles出于“商业机密”原因,并未透露牛奶和替代奶类的对比数字。 在墨尔本有越来越多咖啡厅标榜使用植物奶类。

不过,澳洲营养师协会(Dietitian’s Association of Australia)营养师麦马斯特(Tim McMaster)表示,植物牛奶宣传“更为健康”,这种现象值得消费者留意。 “答案并非直截了当。”

“牛奶在营养价值上应该是最高的,包含10种对人体有益的营养素。” “替代奶类的能量含量更少,不过所含脂肪也较少。” “但大部分替代奶类所含的蛋白质和钙质都比较少,有些甚至不含钙质。”

目前大部分替代奶类都额外添加营养成分,希望在健康价值上能与牛奶抗衡。 麦马斯特表示:“在所有牛奶替代品中,豆奶推出时间最长,营养价值也是最高,最接近牛奶 的营养成分。”

Plant-based alternative milk consumption growing in Australia as dairy industry holds firm

Dairy milk has been flying off the supermarket shelves as consumers continue to sympathise with Australia’s dairy farmers, following the Murray Goulburn crisis.
Key points:

Alternative milk industry worth estimated at $150 million

Consumers turning to products due to increased lactose intolerance

Health experts say alternative products have mixed health benefits

But so-called “alternative milks” are rising in popularity, and new research shows consumers are increasingly lapping them up.

Supermarkets now stock a range of plant-based milks, including soy, almond, coconut, hazelnut, rice, oat and more recently, macadamia milk.

“While the incidences of lactose intolerance have been increasing there have also been food trends that recommend avoiding cow’s milk,” IBISWorld analyst Lauren Magner said.

Ms Magner has been investigating the rise of the alternative milk market — focusing on soy and almond milk — and estimated the industry to be worth about $150 million.

“This figure has been growing quite quickly over the past five years as the popularity of alternative milks has grown, and we have expected 6 per cent per annum growth over the past five years,” she said.

Milk consumption in Australia is higher than most Western nations, with figures from Dairy Australia showing the average Australian consumes 105 litres of fresh milk per year.

Blake Robinson, a dietician and analyst for Dairy Australia, said he disagreed that plant-based milks were rapidly rising in popularity.

“There has been a really small increase in that non-dairy industry over the last few years,” he said.

“Looking at the extensive range of plant-based milk in the supermarket you could be forgiven for thinking [it’s growing in popularity], but the data shows that very few Australians are drinking those alternatives instead of cow’s milk.

“Statistics from the Australian Health Survey show that around seven-in-10 are having cow’s milk, with only three per cent having those alternatives.”

Landline asked supermarket giants Woolworths and Coles how much alternative milk they sell compared to cow’s milk, but they would not say for “commercial” reasons.

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